Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Amazon Kindle Readers Participate In Preventing Child Abduction: Geopolitical Thriller Novelist Peter Thomas Senese Donates Exclusive Amazon E-book Royalties To I CARE

Amazon Kindle Readers Participate In Preventing Child Abduction: Geopolitical Thriller Novelist Peter Thomas Senese Donates Exclusive Amazon E-book Royalties To I CARE

(PRWEB) February 21, 2012

Amazon Kindle readers are making a big impact for children who are targeted against International child abduction: under an exclusive e-book offering via Amazon, best-selling geopolitical thriller writer Peter Thomas Senese's author royalties from his notable novels including Chasing The Cyclone, The Den of the Assassin and Cloning Christ will be donated to the I CARE Foundation in order to help the not-for-profit organization continue its multiple child abduction prevention initiatives, including seeking the passage of specific new federal legislation that may dramatically reduce cross border abduction.

Mr. Senese, known for writing highly complex historical fiction stories evolving around theological, legal, and political issues, has a long history of acting to benefit children, including assisting children fighting cancer, providing significant resources to literary programs, and over the past three years, working tirelessly to raise social awareness of the growing severity of international parental child abduction, while also creating an assortment of critical tools that have been used by scores of parents who have been able to protect their children from abduction. Exemplifying the Mr. Senese and the I CARE Foundation's commitment, over the past few weeks, the I CARE Foundation was responsible for reuniting four children who were previously abducted, with their respective families, while also working to prevent a significant number of abductions from occurring.

Peter Thomas Senese commented, "I am very happy to know that fans of my writing and Amazon consumers are able to turn to their Kindle and download any one of my thrillers, while knowing that the majority of their purchase price goes directly to helping children at risk of international abduction. What society is only beginning to realize is that there is a growing plague of American children being abducted abroad. In fact, the I CARE Foundation recently released a study that conservatively projects the number of American children who will disappear abroad over the next decade could exceed 125,000 defenseless kids, while estimating that less than 15% of children taken will ever find their way home. That's two football stadiums, or enough 5 year old children holding hands to stretch 125 miles! Obviously, this is not acceptable."

Senese, who has written the critically acclaimed novel Chasing The Cyclone that is deeply inspired by his own experiences racing into the storms of international child abduction continued. "I am very pleased at the great, selfless, and quite frankly tireless work of the I CARE Foundation. I am pleased to point out that in part through the funding of sales of my novels, the I CARE Foundation has made a significant contribution to children by creating a national campaign recruiting lawyers willing to sigh the Department of State's pro boon "Hague Convention Attorney Network." In fact, each I CARE Director, who all participate in the pro boon network over the past month assisted in recovering an abducted child taken overseas. From the southern most tip of Florida to the northwestern most tip of Washington State, and places in between, we're assisting in building a network of lawyers trained, willing, and able to help at-risk kids. And sales of Chasing The Cyclone, The Den of the Assassin, and Cloning Christ are a big reason why."

Book critics are praising Peter Thomas Senese's newly released Chasing The Cyclone.

The New York Journal of Books wrote, "Chasing The Cyclone is a well-written thriller . . . Senese shares myriad emotions by writing in the first-person as he weaves through the action in this suspense-filled story . . . This novel might also be considered a treatise on international child abduction. Cyclone, while full of actual strategies and resources to assist parents in international abductions, is above all else a love story about a father and son ... Cyclone is rife with international intrigue and suspense . . . Cyclone will leave you informed and satisfied . . . you will be reluctant to put down.

Dr. Grady Harp, a highly respected Amazon Hall Of Fame book reviewer said, "Peter Thomas Senese now opens the windows on the magnitude of these tragedies in his excellent "Chasing The Cyclone"... As if the fast paced energy of this story weren't enough to satisfy the reader, Peter Thomas Senese demonstrates his quality as a writer of distinction on many levels... this impossible to put down book..."

The Den of the Assassin, a multi-dimensional thriller set on Wall Street and is based upon historical events that jettison the reader on a thrilling global geopolitical journey into the hidden and unseen worlds that exists within nations that have different global agendas than the United States and the West, including but not limited to China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. Most concerning, as each nation has become more reliant on one another in our global society, a new level of extraordinary vulnerability to our national security has been created, one perhaps we may not be prepared for. In The Den of the Assassin, believe readers will find the uniquely accurate information on this subject that is carefully weaved through an intricate, entertaining storyline to be quite fascinating - and disturbing.

Amazon Hall of Fame book reviewer Daniel Jolley stated, "This is one seriously good thriller. Billed as "a novel of international finance and espionage," The Den of the Assassin is a super-realistic exploration of frightening possibilities, unsurpassed heroism, Lucifer-like evil, and terrorism of the worst kind . . . Peter Thomas Senese does a masterful job traversing the inner hallways of diverse institutions as he slowly brings all of these diverse elements together for a slam-bang climax ... "Peter Thomas Senese displays a wealth of knowledge of geopolitics, espionage, and international finance, describing all the technical intricacies of the story's elements and implications with great attention to detail -without ever letting the pace get bogged down or become confusing to the reader. He also keeps a number of secrets close to the vest, saving them for just the right time in the story . . . Many a writer of thrillers seem to drop the ball somewhere in the middle of their novels, but Peter Thomas Senese's' knowledge of geopolitics, international finance, and 21st century terrorist threats keeps the fires of detailed complexity and story evolution stoked and red-hot for the entire ride. Tyler Boxter is no James Bond, but Den of the Assassin proves to be just as exciting as any 007 caper - and much more realistic."

Cloning Christ, Peter Thomas Senese's theological thriller that asks the question, "What would you do if you held the potential True Cross of Jesus in your hands, and it contained blood and hair strains on it? has had readers from around the world talking about the endless possibilities Senese brings out in his novel that pushes the question of where and how science and faith can co-exist in today's world.

Amazon Hall Of Fame book critic Harriett Klausner commented, "Fans will relish this thriller. The tale is loaded with action yet uses the characters as symbols of mankind similar to a medieval passion play like Everyman. The cast represents the faithful, the disbelievers, the dividers (torn between science and religion) or the selfish. "Cloning Christ" brings the debate of religion vs. science to the forefront in an exciting manner that focuses on the sacredness of life."

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Amazon's Top HALL OF FAME Book Reviewers Hail Peter Thomas Senese's New Novel Exclusively Available On Kindle As Critical Must Read Thrilling Love Story

Today, I just started reading Peter Thomas Senese's CHASING THE CYCLONE. It is my third book I have purchased on my Kindle Fire! After all these years of reading books in print, I can't imagine ever going back. Funny, after all these years, I am part of a digital revolution. My grandson has his Nintendo, and I have my Kindle!

As for Mr. Senese's CHASING THE CYCLONE, I began reading today at a little after lunch. I am now about one-third of the way done reading. I am mesmerized by this story, and intend to keep reading later tonight. The various emotions I am feeling - anger, hostility, despair, sorrow ...... I had to put the book down and compose myself for a bit. But I am going back. I need to read more. I'm hooked.

This is a release I read earlier today about Peter Thomas Senese and his acts to help families like my own. As I shared the other day, our family is so thankful that Mr. Senese came into our life. He helped protect our grandchildren from clear abduction. I said it before, and I will say it again: Peter Thomas Senese is an angel and was Heaven sent to us.

Take a look at this:

Amazon's Top HALL OF FAME Book Reviewers Hail Peter Thomas Senese's New Novel Exclusively Available On Kindle As Critical Must Read Thrilling Love Story

Amazon's Kindle readers have been given an exclusive opportunity to read what top book critics are calling an absolute brilliantly written must-read legal thriller wrapped in the ultimate love story: Peter Thomas Senese's mesmerizing 'Chasing The Cyclone'. Senese's novel 'Chasing The Cyclone', is a story of a child's international abduction, and a father's unrelenting will to find and reunite with him that is inspired by the best-selling author's own experiences. Since his own time 'Chasing The Cyclone' of abduction, Peter Thomas Senese has become one of our nation's most outspoken child abduction prevention advocates. Mr. Senese has dedicated 100% of his author royalties earned from 'Chasing The Cyclone' to the I CARE Foundation, a not-for-profit organization dedicated to stopping child abduction.

Chasing The Cyclone, Peter Thomas Senese, Kindle, Amazon, New Releases, Top Books, I CARE Foundation

Peter Thomas Senese' CHASING THE CYCLONE

CHASING THE CYCLONE written by Peter Thomas Senese is being called by several of Amazon's HALL OF FAME book reviewers as a brilliantly written love story wrapped in a high-stakes thriller.

Best-selling author Peter Thomas Senese inspirational legal thriller is one that perhaps few other writers could have written with such intimacy, familiarity, and depth of understanding: it is a story of a father doing everything possible to find and reunite with his internationally abducted child that is Peter Thomas Senese'sCHASING THE CYCLONE which is heavily inspired by the writer's own experience chasing into the cyclones of international child abduction.

Peter Thomas Senese commented, "CHASING THE CYCLONE is story many readers are connecting with. Unquestionably, it is a legal thriller with many twists and subplots that move the reader into a complex storyline that would have been extremely difficult to replicate if it were not for my own experiences of having a child taken to the other side of the world. Readers quickly descend into the dark, bizarre, and unthinkable world of international child abduction; however, they are also taken into a world of committed love and joy in the form of a father's unending search for his son despite the most bizarre and dangerous obstacles placed in his way. Together, readers and critics appear to be truly enjoying CHASING THE CYCLONE."

Many of Amazon's renown HALL OF FAME reviewers are praising best-selling author's Peter Thomas Senese's recently released E-book international legal thriller CHASING THE CYCLONE as an electrifying story fans of high suspense legal thrillers readers and every loving parent must read. CHASING THE CYCLONE is presently available in E-book on Amazon in E-book and will be released in hardcover at the end of February, 2012.

Peter Thomas Senese's new book release CHASING THE CYCLONE has caused more than a handful of critics and readers to develop deeply frustrating and angry emotions that they have actually thrown or wanted to throw the author's riveting international legal thriller or their e-book reader against a wall, a door, or through a window. Ordinarily, an author would not have any desire to have a reader's feelings erupt to the point of physical action, unless of course, the storyline is intended to touch the reader's nerve in such a way that they feel the need to physically act.

Inspired by the best-selling author's own experiences racing into the storms of child abduction, Amazon's critics have called "Chasing The Cyclone" 'a Call-To-Arms against this worldwide epidemic and Peter Thomas Senese as a master storyteller'.

Amazon Hall of Fame book reviewer Daniel Jolley commented, "Chasing The Cyclone" isn't just a powerful novel; it's a call to arms against a growing epidemic that is tearing lives apart behind the headlines... "Chasing The Cyclone" is much more than just a superb, can't-put-down novel, though; it is a book with a purpose... Thomas has become an outspoken advocate on this issue, and 'Chasing The Cyclone' makes for a clear and profoundly effective call to action. I would go so far as to encourage every loving parent to read this book, as the bond between this father and son is one to be emulated..."

Amazon Hall of Fame book reviewer Harriett Klausner added, . . . "This is an exciting cautionary thriller that grips readers from the onset . . . "Chasing The Cyclone" will shake the audience, this exciting cautionary thriller grips readers from the onset..."

Dr. Grady Harp, a highly respected Amazon Hall Of Fame book reviewer said, "Peter Thomas Senese now opens the windows on the magnitude of these tragedies in his excellent "Chasing The Cyclone"... As if the fast paced energy of this story weren't enough to satisfy the reader, Peter Thomas Senese demonstrates his quality as a writer of distinction on many levels... this impossible to put down book..."

Additionally, Amazon Top Book Reviewer Shelley Gammon added, "Chasing the Cyclone" is the second book I've read by Peter Thomas Senese, and like "The Den of the Assassin," it's a real page turner... This was a book I could not put down. Thomas has a gift in writing a compelling novel that not only keeps the reader engaged, but educates as well."

Added Peter Thomas Senese,"Chasing The Cyclone" is an entertaining book many readers have connected to as it is a serious legal thriller that hits a nerve with our desire to love our children best we can." Peter Thomas Senese is the author of geopolitical thrillers including THE DEN OF THE ASSASSIN, CLONING CHRIST, and WAR ON WALL STREET.

Peter Thomas Senese's legal thriller is deeply inspired by his own personal experiences of having a child internationally abducted and taken to the other side of the world, as well as the hardship thousands of other targeted parents and chidlren of international abduction face each year. International parental child abduction is a federal crime in most countries, including the United States and Canada.

The author has become an outspoken advocate against international child abduction. Peter Thomas Senese is donating 100% of his author royalties to the I CARE Foundation - a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting prevent international child abduction. The I CARE Foundation's activities include launching a public campaign to build the Department of State's Hague Convention Attorney Network of pro bono lawyers willing to assist targeted children of abduction, heading legislative initiatives geared to stop international abduction, and assisting in prevention or reunification cases of abduction. In fact, over the past two weeks, the I CARE Foundation has assisted in reuniting four children who were previously abducted with their targeted parent.

Senese commented, "I am pleased to donate my author royalties to the I CARE Foundation as the organization is dedicated to making a positive difference for children and parents targeted for abduction. In writing and releasing CHASING THE CYCLONE, similar to my other projects I have created that deal with child abduction, it is my hope to educate others of the real issues at hand so that children and targeted parents may be protected."

In his ongoing effort to assist parents and children targeted for abduction, Peter Thomas Senese is donating 100% of his author royalties earned from 'The Den of the Assassin', 'Cloning Christ', 'The World Turned Upside Down', and 'Chasing The Cyclone' to the I CARE Foundation

Amazon's Top HALL OF FAME Book Reviewers Hail Peter Thomas Senese's New Novel Exclusively Available On Kindle As Critical Must Read Thrilling Love Story