Friday, March 11, 2011

Japan's Children of Tsunami's - We Need To Help.

The tragedy that has shaken and swept over Japan after their record-breaking earthquake followed by an enormous, and life-taking tsunami made me not only wonder about the children of such devestation, but to also wonder about previous children and how they dealt with similiar tragedies.
I discovered an amazing website called 'Children of Tsunami'. Please Visit it. When you do, you will understand how important it is to help. Here are a list of good organizations that do make a difference, and will help provide aid for the people of Japan.

How to help Japan earthquake, tsunami victims

American Red Cross • The Red Cross is on the ground now in Japan helping with emergency relief, food and shelter.
To donate, go to Checks can be mailed to: PO Box 4002018, Des Moines, IA 50340-2018. Donors also can call 800-RED-CROSS or text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation

Global Giving • The agency is helping other groups with emergency relief. To donate, go to or text JAPAN50555 to make a $10 donation. Donations can also be mailed to: Global Giving, Japan relief, 1023 1st St. NW, 12th floor, Washington, DC. 20005

International Medical Corps • The corps is sending a team to Japan to help with medical needs. To donate, go to or text MED8088 to make a $10 donation. There's also a 24-hour phone line that accepts donations: 1-800-481-4462. Donations also can be mailed to: Development Department, International Medical Corps, 1919 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite 400, Santa Monica, CA 90404

AmeriCares • AmeriCares is also providing emergency relief and expects to on the ground in Japan sometime over the weekend.
To donate, go to or mail donations to: 88 Hamilton Ave., Stamford, Conn. 06902.

Save The Children • This organization helps children displaced by the earthquake, providing emergency relief. Children: Donate to Save the Children's "Japan Earthquake Tsunami Children in Emergency Fund" at or by calling 1-800-728-3843. Or text "JAPAN" to 20222 to donate $10.Or donations can be mailed to Save the Children, 54 Wilton Road, Westport, CT 06880