Saturday, December 29, 2012

Reflection of the Holiday Season

Now that Christmas has come and gone, I have to say it was one of the most enjoyable holidays I've celebrated in a long time. Between the family visits, which truly were more like reunions, since I don't have the opportunity to see many of my family members all that often, and all the heavenly food, and good cheer, I feel so blessed and loved. That is the magic of Christmas! I am interested in hearing what each of my readers loved about the holiday. . . whether a memorable moment, being reunited with a long lost family member or friend, a favorite gift, or the simple joy in a child's face when opening gifts.... please share . . . these are the things that make life beautiful!!!

Now 2013 is soon upon us . . . wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, and a Peaceful New Year!! All the best to each and every one of you!!!