Even as I'm posting this, I often have this very question........ is the Internet making me CRAZY?!
Somedays I think so and wonder if I would be better off without it!!! :)
call them moral panics — when a population pins its unanchored fear in
uncertain times on a selected demon, whether or not the target is really
a threat to society. Drugs are a frequent focus of these societal
anxiety attacks, but this week,
Newsweek tries to foment a classic panic against a more universal foe: the Internet.
Headlined online “Is the Web Driving Us Mad?” the article
begins with the story of Jason Russell, the filmmaker behind the
“Kony2012″ video about the African cult-leader and warlord Joseph Kony.
After the video went viral and suddenly brought Russell international
fame, he wound up naked and ranting on a San Diego street corner. To
make the case that the Internet caused Russell’s psychotic break, the
article rapidly generalizes from rare, extreme experiences like
Russell’s and wends through a selective reading of the research to
argue, in the words of one quoted source, that the Net, “encourages —
and even promotes — insanity.”
According to senior writer Tony Dokoupil:
The first good, peer-reviewed research is emerging, and
the picture is much gloomier than the trumpet blasts of Web utopians
have allowed. The current incarnation of the Internet—portable, social,
accelerated, and all-pervasive—may be making us not just dumber or
lonelier but more depressed and anxious, prone to obsessive-compulsive
and attention-deficit disorders, even outright psychotic. Our digitized
minds can scan like those of drug addicts, and normal people are
breaking down in sad and seemingly new ways.
The problem is, this conclusion runs counter to what the research data actually show.
Dokoupil makes much of brain scan studies suggesting that Internet
use “rewires” the brain in ways that look similar to changes seen in
drug addiction. The reality is that
any enjoyable activity
leads to changes in the brain’s pleasure regions if a person engages in
it frequently enough. Indeed, any activity we perform repeatedly will
lead to brain changes: that’s known as learning. Riding a bicycle and
playing the violin also rewire the brain, but we don’t choose to refer
to these changes as “damage.”
As yet, there is no brain scan that can clearly determine whether
certain brain changes signify addiction or simple, harmless enjoyment.
Nor can brain scans predict, in the case of addiction, who will be able
to regain control over their behavior and who will not.
Dokoupil cites a study
that scanned 24 people, some experienced Web users and some who were
less proficient. He says that the regular users had “fundamentally
altered prefrontal cortexes,” but he fails to mention that the research
only explored people’s Google use — comparing Google aficionados to
newbies. He writes further that just five hours of time spent online
(using Google) “rewired” the brains of the new users. This, of course,
tells us nothing about addiction: we don’t know if the experienced
Google searchers were even having trouble controlling their Internet
use, or whether, based on one small study, a tiny bit of experience
learning how to search the Web can “rewire” the brain dramatically. If
so, then everyone’s addicted — or no one is, and the brain changes are
Dokoupil acknowledges that the research linking Web and smartphone
use to psychiatric problems cannot show clear cause and effect, but he
brushes off this important caveat with quotes from experts who conduct
this research and use it to confirm their own clinical observations — in
other words, anecdotes, which are an even sketchier source of data —
and make causal claims.
In truth, the research linking Internet use to addiction, depression
or other behavioral and psychiatric problems simply cannot determine
whether being online causes these ills or whether people who are already
prone to such problems tend to go online more. In fact, there’s better evidence
(not mentioned in the article) that the Internet can be used to treat
anxiety and depression than there is suggesting it causes these
problems. Randomized controlled trials of online therapy for depression
have found it to be as effective as traditional therapy — and only
randomized controlled trials, not the observational data cited by
Newsweek, can scientifically demonstrate cause and effect.
Dokoupil also approvingly cites an expert who has become a target of
widespread ridicule in the science blogosphere for her extreme claims
about Internet-related brain damage. Baroness Susan Greenfield, a
pharmacology professor at Oxford, told Dokoupil in her typically
understated way that the Internet problem “is an issue as important and
unprecedented as climate change.”
Greenfield has never published a study on Internet use. The logic
behind her claims is often befuddling: for example, this is how she
attempted to explain why she believes the Internet has something to do
with the recent rise in autism, in a 2011 interview with the
“I point to the increase in autism and I point to Internet use. That’s
all.” Obviously, that is not scientific reasoning, which is why her
comments inspired an Internet meme (among other outrage and disdain) that trended on Twitter.
Dr. Ben Goldacre, a leading British science journalist and author of the “Bad Science” blog, sums up
the criticisms of Greenfield this way: “[Her ideas] are never set out
as a clear hypothesis, in a formal academic publication, with the
accompanying evidence and a clear suggestion of what research programmes
might be planned to clarify any uncertainties.”
Newsweek feature also highlights stories from China,
Taiwan and Korea, where Internet addiction has been accepted as a
genuine psychiatric problem and treatment centers have been set up to
deal with it. “Tens of millions of people (and as much as 30 percent of
teens) are considered Internet-addicted” in these countries, Dokoupil
Those facts, however, don’t necessarily mean that Internet addiction
exists, let alone that it is widespread. Simply naming a disease and
treating it doesn’t make it real, no more than the existence of witch
hunts proves the existence of witches. Indeed, some of the treatments
used for Internet addiction, such as the abusive Internet treatment boot camps in China where several teens have died,
suggest how easily the cure can become worse than the disease when
unproven therapies for ill-defined problems spring up. (Boot camps have
never been shown to help with any form of addiction.)
In fact, while expanding the diagnoses for addiction overall, the new edition of the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (
DSM-5), psychiatry’s diagnostic manual, which will be published next year, rejected Internet addiction as a bona fide disorder. The
article spun this fact, highlighting instead that Internet addiction
“will be included for the first time, albeit in an appendix tagged for
“further study.’”
The truth is, we really don’t know much about how our online lives
are affecting us. It’s quite possible that Internet use has the
deleterious effects critics suggest — certainly some people do have
difficulty controlling the amount of time they spend online. But is it
the addictive effect of the Internet that keeps us checking our work
emails on vacation or during evenings and weekends — or is it the fact
that we fear we may lose our jobs if we don’t?
The Internet might indeed be a cause of our societal worries, but not
necessarily because we’re addicted to it. And creating a moral panic
based on flimsy evidence isn’t going to help, no matter what the real
cause of our problems.